
Gary Yee - 2017 Law Society Medal Award recipient

 SOAR is pleased to congratulate Gary Yee, a member of the SOAR Board of Directors, on his 2017 Law Society Medal Award. The Law Society of Upper Canada will recognize 11 outstanding members of Ontario’s legal professions at its annual awards ceremony on May 24, 2017. Gary Yee is being recognized for his activism and advocacy for Chinese and other racialized communities, including the redress campaign against the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act, as well as for his leadership in administrative justice and the tribunal sector.

Voy Stelmaszynski - Tom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers recipient

SOAR is pleased to congratulate our President Voy Stelmaszynski on being the 2017 Honoured Recipient of the Ontario Bar Association's Tom Marshall Award of Excellence. The award will be presented on May 25th 2017, where the achievements of Voy T. Stelmaszynski will be honored and celebrated. Enjoy the company of colleagues and friends and hear from this year’s distinguished award winner and special guests. Reserve your place today.

An Evening with SOAR, Wednesday February 21, 2018, hosted by The Advocates' Society

Don't miss out on this unique networking opportunity available to Chairs, Vice - Chairs and Staff Lawyers of SOAR, hosted by the Advocates' Society's Regulatory and Administrative Law Group on Wednesday February 21, 2018, 5:30-7:30pm.


click on the link to register and for more information


TAS Members: Complimentary
Chairs, Vice-Chairs & Staff Lawyers of SOAR: Complimentary       
Non-members: $20.00 + HST = $22.60 

Report on the Exclusion of Part-Time and Per Diem Order-In-Council Appointees from the Canada Pension Plan

This report outlines concerns in relation to the exclusion from participation in the Canada Pension Plan (“CPP”) of individuals who are appointed to certain boards and tribunals by Order-in-Council (“OIC”) on a part-time, or per diem, basis. The Regulation preventing part-time and per diem OICs from making CPP contributions will mean that unless there is other pensionable income, the part-time and per diem employee will lose entitlement to CPP disability benefits. The appendices A and B to this report assess the impact on two current per diem employees.

Results and Research of appointments and re-appointments to Administrative Tribunals in Quebec

This paper was prepared for the Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators (SOAR) as part of SOAR’s Advocacy and Innovation Committee's ongoing consideration of the issues of appointments and re-appointments of Order-in-Council appointments in Ontario. It supplements research done in 2014-15 by Aisha Amode, available on the SOAR website. The current paper was prepared by Zinejda Rita in April 2016. Ms. Rita is a law student at Osgoode Hall Law School.

SOAR Medal

The SOAR Medal is SOAR’s top honour. It honours those who have made a significant contribution and demonstrated their commitment to the field of administrative justice, who have been dedicated and active members or supporters of SOAR, and/or who have made a significant contribution to the administrative justice field and to the well-being of the community at large.

To be eligible for the SOAR medal, nominees must have demonstrated a consistent outstanding service and achievement of exceptional leadership dedicated to advancing excellence in the field of administrative justice, above and beyond the successful completion of day to day responsibilities; or a singular accomplishment of particular significance to the administrative justice community.

Although it is not mandatory for the award recipient to have volunteered for SOAR, the selection committee will consider an individual’s unpaid volunteer service with SOAR.

Congratulations Linda Gehrke!

SOAR congratulates Linda Gehrke, one of the recipients of the 2016 Law Society Medal.  Linda is a champion of Ontario’s administrative justice community and continues to be a huge supporter of and participant in many of SOAR’s initiatives.  She has been a member of SOAR’s board of directors, the Education Committee, one of the original creators of the Adjudicator Training Course and is Co-Chair of this year’s SOAR Conference.  Mentor, facilitator, coach, presenter.  Outstanding in integrity and principled influence.  Well done, Linda!


An Evening with SOAR, Thursday February 18, 2016, hosted by the Advocates' Society

Don't miss out on this unique networking opportunity available to Chairs, Vice - Chairs and Staff Lawyers of SOAR, hosted by the Advocates' Society's Regulatory and Administrative Law Group on Thursday February 18, 2016, 5:30-7:00pm.


click on the link to register and for more information or download the pdf
