SOAR Annual Conference Planning Committee - 2024

The SOAR Conference Planning Committee is charged with planning and organizing SOAR’s Annual Conference.  SOAR's 36th Annual Conference is set to take place in person on November 14, 2024 at the Chelsea Hotel in Toronto. The Committee meets monthly and is busy at work planning workshops and plenaries for this year's Conference.   The current committee members are:


Eric Bruce- Co-Chair, College of Dental Hygenists Ontario

Preeya Singh- Co-Chair, College of Audio Speech Pathologists Ontario

Dan Abrahams- Professional Engineers Ontario

Michelle Alton- Crown Counsel, MAG

Maureen Carter-Whitney- Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

Alisa Chaplick- Administrative Penalty Tribunal, City of Toronto

Emily Cole- Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization

Sasha Cragg-Gore - Canadian Human Rights Commission

Carolyn Gora-College of Nurses Ontario

Anshumala Juyal- Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada

Grace Knakowski - Ontario Securities Commission

Cecile Landon- Landlord and Tenant Board, Tribunals Ontario

Genevieve Plummer- Ontario College of Pharmacists

Voy Stelmaszynski- SOAR

Rebecca Woodrow - Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal

Ex-Officio Member

Daphne Simon- SOAR Executive Director