Career Opportunities

Current Career Opportunities - Links and Resources

This job board, first created in 2013, contains up-to-date information and current links. SOAR posts this as a courtesy to organizations that perform adjudicative/regulatory functions and may be of interest to our members. SOAR is not responsible for the content.

For further information about provincial and federal appointments, please review the links below and contact the organization directly:

Volunteer Adjudicators for CPA Ontario Adjudicative Tribunal

Seeking Volunteer Adjudicators for the Adjudicative Tribunals of CPA Ontario

CPA Ontario protects the public interest by ensuring its more than 100,000 members (Chartered Professional Accountants) and 21,000 students meet the highest standards of integrity and expertise. 

The CPA Ontario Adjudicative Tribunals are currently seeking volunteer adjudicators, including: