
Early Bird Rate for SOAR's 30th Annual Conference extended

The $425.00 early bird rate for SOAR's 30th Annual Conference: Building Fair Responsive and Inclusive Approaches on November 1, 2018 has been extended. 

Don't miss out on a very special day with concurrent workshops, plenaries on topics relevant to the administrative justice community; an engaging closing speaker and remarks from the Attorney General for Ontario. 

Register today! Click on link for detailed information about the conference program and speakers.

Statement Of Principles For the Appointment and Re-Appointments Of Adjudicative Tribunal Members

This document sets out principles that apply to the appointment of members to adjudicative administrative tribunals in Ontario and in particular to the 37 adjudicative bodies with statutory judicial powers governed by the Adjudicative Tribunals Accountability, Governance and Appointments Act, 2009 (ATAGAA).

SOAR - Funded Research Opportunity


SOAR is an organization with representation from Ontario’s administrative law tribunals, boards and agencies. It is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors and has a full-time Executive Director.

SOAR is seeking a researcher with an interest in how administrative law tribunals interact with self-represented litigants.

An Evening with SOAR, Wednesday February 21, 2018, hosted by The Advocates' Society

Don't miss out on this unique networking opportunity available to Chairs, Vice - Chairs, Staff Lawyers and members of SOAR, hosted by the Advocates' Society's Regulatory and Administrative Law Group on Wednesday February 21, 2018, 5:30-7:30pm.


To register:

please fill out and send the form (below) to the Advocates' Society or contact


Slate of Nominees for SOAR Board of Directors Election

The Election Committee received 15 qualified Nominations to stand for election to the SOAR Board of Directors for the 2017-2019 term. 

The online elections will take place from November 16 to 23, 2017.  An online ballot and voting instructions will be emailed to SOAR electors on November 16th. You may review information about the nominees below.



