SOAR 2020 Virtual AGM and SOAR Medal Presentations

 Registration is closed for this event
This is our Annual General Meeting for SOAR members. Please register, as your RSVP, if you wish to attend this virtual event. A unique link will be sent you closer to the date.

The SOAR Annual General meeting will be virtual this year. To join, you must register at the link below and obtain a unique ZOOM link. The AGM will start at 5:20pm, EST.

Following the AGM, there will be the SOAR Scholarship presentation; a SOAR Medal Presentation and virtual networking.  

The evening's virtual events will take place as follows:

5:10pm- 5:20pm Registration for SOAR members

5:20pm-5:45pm- SOAR's Annual General Meeting

5:45pm-2020 SOAR Scholarship 

5:50pm - SOAR Medal presentations  

6:20pm - Virtual Networking (BYOB)  

The 2nd Annual SOAR Scholarship 2020 will be presented to ANNIE ARKO

The 2020 SOAR Medal recipients are:         


LAURA PETTIGREW                           


December 9th, 2020 from  5:00 PM to  7:00 PM