2013 BCCAT Education Conference Announced


Since 1996, British Columbia Council of Administrative Tribunals (BCCAT), working in collaboration with the BC Ministry of Justice, has played a major role in the training and development of tribunal members, staff and other statutory decision makers in BC. BCCAT is pleased to continue this important function through its 18th Annual Education  Conference, which is focused on access to justice and administrative justice transformation.

The conference will be held at the Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, B.C. on October 20 and 21, 2013.

This in-­‐depth program will bring you valuable workshops, updates, and analysis on significant issues and developments in access to justice, administrative justice transformation, and substantive and procedural issues relevant to decision-­‐makers within the administrative justice system. You will hear from a learned and well-­‐rounded faculty of judges, government representatives, adjudicators, academics, practitioners and others.

To learn more about this event, download the brochure using the link below.

BCCAT 2013 Conference Announcement (PDF)