
Membership in SOAR

In order to qualify as a SOAR member, the following applies, per SOAR's By-Law, section 3:


There shall be three (3) classes of members, comprised of:

1. Regular members, each of whom shall be entitled to vote at meetings of the members, comprised of individuals, each of whom have submitted an application and are:

  1. performing adjudicative/regulatory functions authorized by an Ontario provincial statute or municipal by-law (“Ontario adjudicator or regulator”);
  2.  the head of or employed by an Ontario body in which adjudicative/regulatory functions authorized by an Ontario provincial statute or municipal by-law are exercised (for example, “Executive Chair, Chair, Associate Chair or staff of an Ontario adjudicative or regulatory tribunal (“Staff”) ”);
  3.  in a teaching position within an Ontario post-secondary institution and have a professional interest in the administration of justice;
  4.  performing adjudicative/regulatory functions authorized by a federal statute of Canada where the federal tribunal is domiciled in Ontario; or
  5. not qualified to be a Regular member pursuant to sections 3(a)(i)-(iv), but have been admitted to the board of directors.

2. Associate members, each of whom shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the members, comprised of individuals:

  1. performing adjudicative/regulatory functions authorized by a provincial or territorial statute other than Ontario or
  2. who can reasonably be seen to have a significant professional interest in Ontario’s administrative justice system, as approved by the board of directors
  3. Honorary members, appointed by the board, in its sole discretion, each of whom shall be non-voting.

Currently, membership is free. The Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators is committed to an ongoing process of education and communication with its members in order to pursue issues of importance to adjudicators and staff in the administrative justice community. SOAR, encourages individuals in the agency, tribunal and regulatory sector to join the association and participate in its various activities, such as:

Sitting on a committee as a volunteer, serving on the SOAR Board of Directors, participating in our training and education events (though most educational events are open to the public), networking with others in the adjudicative and regulatory sector, attending our Annual General Meeting, voting in our online Board of Director elections, attending SOAR member-only events, etc.

SOAR members are also encouraged to provide the Board of Directors with feedback on the different educational and policy initiatives undertaken by SOAR. We are very sensitive to the views of our members and try to respond to them in the development of successive endeavors.

If you meet the eligibility criteria you may become a SOAR member by joining online. Membership is free. join online 

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria to be a SOAR member at this time, please join our mailing list to receive regular up-to-date communications from SOAR.