SOAR's 32nd Annual Virtual Conference 2020 - SOARing in a New Era of Innovation

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November 5, 2020 9:00am -12:40pm EST

SOAR's 32nd Annual Virtual Conference: November 5, 2020

SOARing in a New Era of Innovation

Thursday November 5, 2020

9:00am - 12:40pm, delivered remotely, with live Q and A

Fee: $195 plus HST


2020 Conference Co-Chairs

NOELINE PAUL, Member, Condominium Tribunal Authority
CYNTHIA PAY, Member, Immigration and Refugee Board Canada 

This year's conference will be offered on the first Thursday of November as it has been for the last 31 years. We'll be delivering workshops and plenaries remotely, live and interactive with content that is relevant to our current reality. It will run from 9:00am - 12:40pm. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and network, live and in real time. 

9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. – Welcome and Opening Remarks from Conference Co-Chairs

NOELINE PAUL, Member, Condominium Tribunal Authority
CYNTHIA PAY, Member, Immigration and Refugee Board Canada

JOANNE DALLAIRE, Indigenous Ceremonial Welcome

9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Keynote Address: Finding a Path Forward - The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael Tulloch


MODERATOR: GRACE KNAKOWSKI, Secretary to the Commission, Office of the Secretary, Ontario Securities Commission

The Honourable Mr. Justice Michael Tulloch of the Ontario Court of Appeal will draw on his distinguished career of service as a member of the Canadian judiciary, a Crown prosecutor, a lawyer in private practice, and a renowned writer, speaker and professor to provide his insights on systemic barriers to justice and possible solutions. Justice Tulloch will share his knowledge and experiences from leading independent reviews of the justice system – the Special Investigations Unit, the Office of the Independent Police Review Director, the Ontario Civilian Police Commission and Ontario’s regulation on police street checks. He will also share his thoughts on innovative uses of technology in adjudication.

10:05 a.m. -10:50 a.m. Workshop #1 Mitigating Systemic Barriers to Access to Justice in Disruptive Times

Even in the best of times, many people experience barriers to access to justice due to factors beyond their control. In disruptive times, these barriers can be exacerbated.   For example, someone may not be able to navigate the internet or even access technology.  Moreover, they may have a physical or mental disability that prevents them from communicating effectively with decision-makers.   Other socio-economic circumstances may prevent them from availing themselves of proper advocacy or representation. Systemic discrimination can have a disproportionate impact on historically disadvantaged communities in times of crisis.  How can such barriers be mitigated by government agencies and tribunals on a systemic basis?  CPD =  45 minutes EDI Hours

MODERATOR: MICHELLE ALTON, Tribunal General Counsel, Workplace Safety and Insurance Appeals Tribunal 

SPEAKERS: DR. JUDY FINLAY, Ryerson University, School of Child and Youth CareDR. NOTISHA MASSAQUOI, Nyanda Consulting, Board of Trustees at CAMH

10:55 a.m.- 11:40 a.m. Workshop #2 Video Hearings: The New Reality?

An expert panel will discuss how regulators and adjudicators are innovating to conduct video hearings in the pandemic period. Highlights will include how regulators/adjudicators have evolved their practices to ensure access and accommodation, taking into account diverse participants, varying technology, and self-represented litigants, while adhering to open court and fairness principles. What are the tools and techniques that can be used? Practical tips and lessons learned will be highlighted during the discussion and shared with the audience. CPD = 45 minutes Professionalism Hours

MODERATOR: ERIC BRUCE, Director of Professional Regulation, Dental Hygenists of Ontario

SPEAKERS: LARA GERTNER, Manager, Governance and Tribunals Secretariat, College of Early Childhood Educators, JORDAN GLICK, Barrister and Solicitor, Glick Law, ANNA WONG, Lead Counsel, Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council, MATTHEW WILSON, Vice Chair, Ontario Labour Relations Board

11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Workshop #3 Agile Regulation: Regulating in an Age of Disruption

As new products enter the market and the gig economy expands, we need to find ways to regulate emerging technologies quickly to protect the public interest without stiffling innovation. What is right touch regulation? How do we regulate new products and services that did not exist in the past? How are regulators adapting to disruptive technology?

MODERATOR: CAROLYN SLON, Senior Legal Counsel, Office of the Secretary, Ontario Securities Commission 

SPEAKERS: MICHAEL ROTHE, President & CEO, Canadian FInance and Leasing Association, formerly Director of Legal Services, Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council AMANDA RAMKISSOON, Senior Regulatory Advisor, Office of Growth and Innovation, Ontario Securities Commission, PROFESSOR MARIANA VALVERDE, University of Toronto, Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies

12:30 - 12:40 p.m. Closing Remarks SOAR President, HEATHER GIBBS

12:40pm -Virtual Networking (meet in breakout rooms and bring your own lunch!)

The SOAR 2020 Conference Committee is responsible for planning this year's workshops and plenaries. As is SOAR’s custom, the committee ensures there is a wide variety of sessions for both new and seasoned adjudicators, regulators, front-line staff and Tribunal counsel. 

Stay tuned to this page for updates!



Please check back for program updates and schedule changes.

Please note that all registrations are firm.  No refunds are permitted for cancellations. No sharing of registrations or substitutions without prior approval are permitted.



December 30th, 2020 9:00 AM to December 31st, 2020 12:40 PM
Delivered Remotely