Structure of SOAR


Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators (SOAR) is a non-partisan, non-profit incorporated organization made up of individual members (institutions do not qualify for membership).

SOAR membership is primarily comprised of:

  • Chairs;

  • Adjudicators; and

  • Staff and Management,

working in the provincial, municipal and federal administrative justice sector, domiciled in Ontario

Gavel on Book


The Society is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of elected members, a President elected by the members of the Board of Directors, and an Executive Committee appointed by the Board. Our Executive Director works with the Board of Directors to operationalize all aspects of SOAR's mandate. To see a listing of the current members of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, go to Meet the Board page. 


SOAR has approximately 800 members from over 150 agencies, tribunals, boards and commissions. SOAR membership is free if eligibility is met. SOAR's by-law sets out more information about membership benefits, criteria and requirements.

Finances and Resources

There is no general funding or revenue other than surpluses from the SOAR annual conferences, SOAR training programs and the sale of the SOAR Adjudicators' Manual. There is no membership fee. Aside from the Executive Director, SOAR work is generally done by our volunteers with the co-operation of our partners, and stakeholder agencies.